DUFFY DUCK FROM SAU presents: for E-Trax: EINE KLEINE AZID-MUSIG called: .=STRANGE PEOPLE=. (the quietschi mix) 5:16 Well there... this is kinda pretty minimalistic... there are only Drum- Bass- and Acidsamples.. :) oh.. and a propos acid .. all the acid in here expect one sample I ripped from Knuddel, are made by myself... YES.. I got Knuddel's 404 standin' around here for a while... so that's why the song is that big.. and cool :) greets go to: Knuddel, Cooper, Zarek Maverick, Thorax, Abraxas, Synoptic, Skelter, Calvin, Harvest, Spleen, Zengo Radio24, MTP, Defact, z0z...